Hunter Consulting

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SHUGSS Sun and Housing
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  • Sun Accounts
    • Component Accounting for Housing Stock with Sun Fixed Assets
    • Service charge set up in Sun
    • Development and Cash flow in Sun
  • Procurement systems
  • Vision / Q&A
  • Professional Advantage Enhancements 
  • Project management

We offer the following services:

  1. Phillip Hunter has implemented many Finance systems, especially Sun Accounts and Vision/Q&A reports into many commercial and housing organisations. His expertise in specifying a coding structure and tying this in with defining interfaces from the feeder systems results in successful productive whole systems which work for all the relevant parts of the business. If you are looking to upgrade from version 4.3 to 4.4, migrate to Version 6 or upgrade from an Sun 5 or 6.1 please contact us. We can upgrade you and project manage the change, including where interfaces to feeder systems need to be reviewed.
  2. SHUGSS and Sun/Housing - Some of the specialist services specific to housing are mentioned on the next page of this site.
  3. Procurement systems provide many benefits if the right system is selected and effectively implemented. Hunter Consulting has been involved in several Procurement system selection projects and is project managing implementation work to ensure success.
  4. Q&A v10 (formerly Vision Version 6) simplifies use of this excellent product. Methods have been harmonised between the Executive and XL parts of the product. The availability of a Serduct for SunAccounts and other products such as popular procurement systems means that the same technology can be used to report from both these products. Serducts are  data dictionaries linking the underlying database with the Q&A reporting tool set. Serducts can also be produced for other application programmes. This means that you can use the same reporting tool across your financial and other systems. Please contact us if you are interested in training, implementation, report writing or a new Serduct to address your application software.

  5. There are many excellent products from Professional Advantage which enhance the use of Sun. These include Advanced Inquiry; Cash Desk, which covers Bank Reconciliation, ePay and B4B used to transmit funds, eRemit to email out remittance advices produced in Sun payment runs; Multi Company to handle inter company transactions and consolidationds; Collect to provide diarised credit control; sales invoicing for contract, service and simple invoicing. These products integrate with Sun and can be purchased with independent licencing, not tied to the number of Sun users.

  6. He provides project management expertise for clients (client side) on projects. His long expereince in the software industry helps him to negotiate on behalf of clients, ensuring the supplier provides the the appropriate resource when required. He steps in to supplement the client's resources to ensure key tasks are delivered on time to ensure the project timetable is adhered to. These projects include those where he does not have specific application software knowledge, but has dealt with similar projects.

Hunter Consulting, 3 Cedar Walk, Claygate, Esher, Surrey KT10 0RN